One of our main objectives is to promote the use of circular formats so all our glass bottles can be reused. We are thus returning to the essence of water in glass bottles, helping to reduce the consumption of new bottles and minimise waste.
All of our individual plastic bottles are 100% recyclable and are made 100% from other bottles. By doing this we avoid the consumption of 500 tonnes of virgin plastic per year and cut 1,300 tonnes of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of 1,000 cars on the road.
We are continuing to incorporate recycled material in our products’ secondary packaging. Our shrink wrapping is made from 50% recycled material. In addition, the weight reduction in our packaging translates into 338 tonnes of CO2 avoided.
In 2021 total energy consumption was cut by 11% compared with 2019.
We promote initiatives to protect the natural environments of our springs, thus guaranteeing the aquifers’ quality and sustainability.
The IFS certificate guarantees that our company complies with all the food chain requirements based on the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System (HACCP). Since 2015 Aguas del Valle de La Orotava, S.L. has held the IFS Food certificate, granting international recognition of its products’ quality.
We contribute to increasing the recycling rate of PET bottles by raising public awareness and promoting events and partnerships.
We carry out nature conservation projects, especially against littering, through our partnerships with WWF and the Seo/BirdLife Libera Project.
We carry out initiatives to help make customers' businesses more sustainable and raise consumer awareness.
We contribute to the socioeconomic development of the areas around our springs, reducing the depopulation of rural areas.
Awareness-raising about the water cycle and healthy lifestyles: teaching children about these topics during school tours of the production centre.
We have donated 50,000 l of natural mineral water. We specifically supported hospitals and nursing homes during the most difficult times of COVID (Red Cross).
Esta empresa es beneficiaria de la compensación del Gobierno de España, cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), al transporte marítimo y aéreo de mercancías no incluidas en el Anexo I del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea, con origen o destino en las Islas Canarias. Programa Operativo 2021 - 2027
"Europa se siente"
©AGUAS DEL VALLE DE LA OROTAVA, S.L. 2020. Todos los derechos reservados. Aviso Legal